Acotylean B
Kaneohe Bay, O`ahu, on anemone-bearing hermit crab.

Translucent dark brown with evenly scattered light flecks and a light discontinuous line down the center. Hints of a marginal band. Two nuchal tentacles. Nothing quite like this appears on the Newman & Cannon CD. Known only from this photograph taken in March 1997 of a worm found on an anemone-bearing hermit crab, probably Dardanus gemmatus, the most common such crab in Hawai'i. (Because of this association, it was initially thought to be Stylochoplana inquilina, described by Libbie Hyman in 1950 from specimens collected on anemone-bearing hermit crabs in Hawaii, but her worm lacks tentacles and differs greatly from this worm's color pattern.) More photos of this rare worm would be welcome.

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