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 photos copyright John P. Hoover unless otherwise credited

Some interesting mantis shrimps not in Hawaii's Sea Creatures
(Unofficial?) Bishop Museum lists of Hawaiian mantis shrimps:

stomatopods (mantis shrimps)

Here are links to photos taken in Hawaii of two large "spearer" mantis shrimp species that are not mentioned in my book. Both species are listed in the Bishop Museum list of Hawaiian stomatopods. The IDs assigned to these photos seem reasonable, but I cannot confirm them.

Lysiosquilla sulcirostris Kemp, 1913

1) Oratosquilla fabricii (Holthuis, 1941)

2) Oratosquilla fabricii (Holthuis, 1941) (listed on the linked site as Oratosquilla calumnia, a name no longer considered valid)



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  Text and photos copyright John P. Hoover unless otherwise credited