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UPDATES & CORRECTIONS to Hawaii's Fishes original edition:

HAWAII'S FISHES 2nd EDITION (published September, 2007) is totally revised and completely replaces the original edition.


UPDATES & CORRECTIONS to Hawaii's Fishes 2nd edition:

2 page PDF document containing corrections which appeared in the 2nd printing of Hawaii's Fishes 2nd edition

1 page PDF document containing changes and corrections that appeared in the 3rd printing

3 page PDF document containing changes and corrections that appeared in the 5th printing (Aug 2014)


more information:

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO HAWAIIAN REEF FISHES (October, 2008) contains almost** everything in Hawaii's Fishes 2nd Edition plus
100 additional species & 500 new photos. Think of it as an upgrade to Hawaii's Fishes 2nd edition.

Click here to see unusual fish species not found in Hawaii's Fishes 2nd Edition or the Ultimate Guide to Hawaiian Reef Fishes
(plus updates to existing species)

** The Ultimate Guide omits the 12-page chapter "Where to Snorkel and Dive" that appears in Hawaii's Fishes.

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