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Text and photos copyright by John P. Hoover


Hanauma Bay Watch
unusual animals seen recently in the Bay

O`ahu's Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve is a magnet for rare and unusual species. If you see something out of the ordinary, or something you can't identify, send me your photos!

DAMSELFISHES • South Seas Devil Chrysiptera taupou

GOBIES  • Hawaiian Shrimp Goby Psilogobius mainlandi  • Hawaiian Sand Goby Coryphopterus sp.

JACKS & TREVALLIES  • Whitetongue Jack Uraspis helvola

KNIFEJAWS • Spotted Knifejaw Oplegnathus punctatus • Barred Knifejaw Oplegnathus fasciatus

PARROTFISHES  • Mystery Parrotfish Chlorurus perspicillatus x Chlorurus sordidus

PIPEFISHES & SEAHORSES Yellow Seahorse Hippocampus kuda

PUFFERFISHES and PORCUPINEFISHES  • Spotted Burrfish Chilomycterus reticulatus

SURGEONFISHES  • Lined Surgeonfish Acanthurus lineatus   • Longnose Tang Zebrasoma rostratum

RAYS Manta Ray Manta birostris

WRASSES  • Slingjaw Wrasse Epibulus insidiator 

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Text and photos copyright by John P. Hoover